by admin | May 17, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, Uncategorized
Hello loves! Oh how I have missed thee. Obviously it’s about time for a journey update so that I can catch you up on all of the new happenings with me. So…… First and foremost, I met someone. He has been a huge motivation for me and has inspired me...
by admin | Apr 10, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, Uncategorized
This is the entry of my results to the Instagram Traffic Challenge. I will share with you my findings and what worked for me, and what didn’t work. Below is my starting point on March 1, 2018: Based on my experience, here is what I’ve experienced. Follow...
by admin | Mar 26, 2018 | BLOG, ENCOURAGEMENT, PERSONAL GROWTH, RELATIONSHIPS, Uncategorized
Dear Brother/Sister, I just want to congratulate you on your singleness. You are probably in the best position you could possibly be in. I know you are probably not feeling this way….. Especially when you see all these lovey dovey couples around you seeming to...
by admin | Mar 3, 2018 | BLOG, BUSINESS, Uncategorized
Disclaimer: THIS IS A TEST!!! I am not by any means an Instagram sensation. I am going through a traffic challenge trial period and am sharing my results as I go. ….. You’ve been warned So for those of you who have decided to stick around let’s get...
by admin | Mar 2, 2018 | BLOG, PERSONAL GROWTH, SPIRITUAL, Uncategorized
I just had a moment with God in prayer. I cried out to him with issues of voids in my life. Maybe you can relate to me. I’ve been feeling like I want complete happiness in my life, but for some reason I keep feeling like something is missing. That last happiness...