Dear Brother/Sister,

I just want to congratulate you on your singleness. You are probably in the best position you could possibly be in. I know you are probably not feeling this way….. Especially when you see all these lovey dovey couples around you seeming to be living their best lives, meanwhile your texts and DMs are dryer than the desert. I’m with you my friend. But let me encourage you because you have so much in favor for yourself in your single journey. Let me break it down to you……

In your singleness you can:

Live for yourself. When you’re in a relationship, “compromise” is going to become a word that you will really get used to. You can’t always do what you want to do, and your plans tend to take a backseat until further notice. When you’re single, you get to do what you want, when you want, without having to worry about someone’s feelings.

Pursue your dreams without pressure. When you are single, you have the freedom to come and go as you please, dream harder, and work harder. You have more than enough time to devote to what YOU want out of life. You don’t have to be concerned about tweaking your aspirations to appease a significant other.

Less distractions. Think about when you go to church alone and your full attention is on the service, the word, and God. Now think about when you are in a relationship and you have hot stuff sitting next to you through service….. Your thought pattern is a little different right? Your attention span to the sermon has shifted a little hasn’t it? Ultimately, you are truly able to focus on what you need to focus on better when you are single versus when you are not.

Free of relationship hazards. We’ve all dealt with them. If they are not cheating on us, they are playing games with our emotions, too busy to spend time with you, or worse. When you are single, you have peace of mind because you don’t have to worry about those problems. Period.

Save money. Dating is EXPENSIVE am I right? Depending on how expensive your taste is, dating can put a lot of financial strain on a new relationship. Heck, it may even put the relationship on the line just that in itself. Another financial relief is that you only have your mouth to feed and your bills to pay. Take this time to get yourself more financially stable because when you finally day “I do”, you will be signing up for much more than their heart.

Free time. This is one of my favorite because I love my “me time”. When you are single you don’t have to worry about devoting your time to someone else. All that time is yours my friend!!! Go spend it!!! Pamper yourself. Go out and date your darn self!!!

Get your priorities in line. Devote your single time on focusing on what matters to you the most and striving to get your life in order. When your in a relationship priorities tend to get off track and your significant other takes precedence.

Keep your emotions in check. There’s this video that I saw on Facebook and it was this girl that was pissed off because guys kept coming into her life and screwing her over. She said she just grew her edges back and then here they came ruining her life again!!!! She went on to yell that they needed to leave her alone. I feel her 100%. I don’t know about you but I am sick and tired of getting my heart broken. Take this time to find what you will and will not deal with in a future relationship. Learn your likes and dislikes, and be thankful no one has the opportunity to break your heart in your singleness.

Paul said this:

“But I wish everyone were single, just as I am. Yet each person has a special gift from God, of one kind or another. So I say to those who aren’t married and to widows—it’s better to stay unmarried, just as I am.”
1 Corinthians 7:7‭-‬8 NLT

We were not all meant to be married. Once we accept this, it will make it a lot easier to weather singleness. Regardless if you are single or pursuing someone, devote yourself to God and yourself so that when that mate finds you, you are whole.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”