Now for all of my fellow mature comrades who are ready for action, it is time. We all have dreamed long enough. We have plotted in our heads for years what or lives could be like if we could just do what we’ve always “dreamed” of. I need you to say this out loud with me, “THAT STOPS NOW!!!” Repeat that if you need to. Sometimes we have to declare things over our lives and then repeat it until things begin to change (Matthew 17:20).

The issue of being a dreamer is that we haven’t been moving forward. We have been in the same spot for so long that we have become frozen. We have let excuse after excuse dictate why we can’t move on with our dreams. All you need to do is give your “yes”. You can never meet your goal if you never get across the start line. It’s just one foot in front of the other. I can just bet that you’ve dreamed about something so much that you even dreamed about the exact steps you would take if you just had the chance……. But then along came the excuses. Am I right? What are the lies you have been feeding into that keeps you from doing what you’ve always dreamed of? I mean….. Most of us feel like it would be impossible with the kids we have always around and being disruptive, you don’t have the money to start do what you need to do, you won’t have time with the current job you have, and blah blah blah blah blah. I have also been that person…. Better yet, I AM THAT PERSON!!!! BUT, I am currently taking baby steps to change that. I literally crucified my dreamer about 2 weeks ago. This blog is a part of the dream that I’ve had. My dream has always been to be an entrepreneur and use all of my passions and creative avenues to be self sufficient. Yes, I may fall flat on my face…. But at least I would have my dignity. Regret is a terrible thing that we should not have to live with. You owe yourself knowing that if you don’t succeed, at least you gave it all you had, right? The truth is: we DON’T live in a perfect world, and your dreams WILL die with your excuses if you LET them. Think about it… if everyone in this world fed into the excuses that could hold them back, we wouldn’t have any businesses, and we would all be in bad shape! No Starbucks, no nothing! We would be in a pretty bland world. Use your unique dreams as an advantage. You can’t tell your kids that they should follow their dreams if you don’t do it yourself. Can I be real? We ALL have to practice what we preach. Notice I said “we” because this is a big struggle of mine as well. Here’s the thing…. I’m not asking you to stop your whole life to follow your dreams (I’m a little bit more realistic than that)…I’m asking you to take one baby step at a time and pass that start line. You already have that goal set, now it’s time for ACTION.

God said if you just had faith even as small as a mustard seed!!!! (Matthew 17:20)

I started this automated savings and investing app called Acorns that allows you to invest the change from your purchases and soon you’ve managed to save a pretty good chunk of change. It then allows you to invest it and “grow” your money sacred. Anywho…. It has this little memo that says, “all oaks begin as tiny acorns.” Isn’t it something how something so small can grow into something so massive? That’s your dream!!!! I say that to say, your baby step now can be your big victory later. Take one baby step at a time and soon you will be achieving your dreams. Don’t get ahead of yourself…. But start somewhere.

This is what we’ll do…. Ponder the answer to these two questions, and then by the end of the week take at least one baby step into putting them into action.

  • Question 1: What are the lies that I’ve entertained that keeps me from following my dreams?
  • Question 2: What is one thing that I can do to get myself across the start line?

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”