The more and more this pandemic spreads, the more relevant it is that we are about to come to a complete halt. More and more we are pushed to halt our busy lives to retain our own safety. I saw a post that said: “boomers: millennials have it so easy today

Me: 911, a war, two economic crashes, a reality show president, crippling student loan debt and a pandemic by age 30.” We have been through a lot and this one is pretty rough! Although it is all so negative, it is giving us all a chance to slow down and appreciate what and who God has blessed us. It forces us to be in a spirit of gratitude. It puts you in a state of reflection. It widens your perspective of what you DO HAVE instead of what you might lose. It shifts your focus to God. If there is a time for us to band together in prayer and tap into the divine, now is the time. When the enemy and the media wants to push us into a state of fear when we are destined to be bold unto the throne, we need to pray. We are now understanding how much time we don’t spend with each other. We are always so….. busy. Too busy to cook, too busy to help our kids a little more, too busy to listen, too busy to engage, too busy to stay. Now is a time for family, prayer, Kings and Queens of the kingdom interceding for our souls. I pray for you, your family, your neighborhood, and our world. God bless.