Hello Queen,
How are you? I pray you are well. God has a powerful message for you today as we continue to journey through this season together. Are you ready? Open your mind and heart to receive this message.
“Daughter of the Kingdom, welcome into My Home. Soon, you will taste and see that I am good. My desire is for you to know that I have many blessings in My Storehouse for you. Freedom, peace, and honor, I give to you. The gifts I give don’t look anything like what the world gives. Some gifts are physical, but most are spiritual. Honor me with your whole heart and you will receive them all. Walk in righteousness. Walk in love. Power and authority will be given unto you as you trust in Me. I want you to purify your heart and grow in the fruits of the Spirit. They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law. Go, I will be with you always, and I will watch the desires of your heart.”
God previously took me through a wilderness season. In this season, He separated me and my desires from the world. He did this so that He could mold and change me completely from the inside out without distraction or hindrancein the privacy of the wilderness. This transition into the wilderness occurred because I finally surrendered my will in exchange for God’s. At the time, I didn’t realize how much inner healing I needed. I didn’t realize how broken I truly was until He began to consistently convict me. There were things that had to be completely removed from my life in order for me to be restored and receive spiritual gifts.
Once I surrendered to His call on my life, things got pretty uncomfortable. You see, when God takes you through a wilderness season, it’s not a glamorous process. It’s quite the opposite. He prunes you, but He’s a gentle surgeon. He’s a Gentleman and takes His time with your process. Praise God that He isn’t into instant gratification such as the world is. Some things take time to build endurance. He slowly takes things away from you that are a hindrance to your spiritual growth. But, as you allow Him to mold you, life will start to become more peaceful and fulfilling.
While I was in my wilderness season with God, I began to cherish each moment more with the people in (and even out) of my life. For instance, I was more intentional with each and every customer I saw each day at work. In my home life, I spent less time distracted while I was around my loved ones, and became more in tune with them. God started to convict certain aspects of my life in themes. One week at a time He would deal with me on patience, while the next week He’d deal with me on obedience or love (read about my journey here). Some themes lasted longer than others. Each area that I needed training in took as long as was necessary for me to grasp and indoctrinate His concept. God wanted me to truly understand and love the process with my whole heart.
People around me started opening up to me and telling me how my growth inspired them and how they wanted to have a closer relationship with God just from watching my evolution. Things that I had prayed about in the secret place began to manifest in the physical. I began to have more and more prophetic dreams. My spiritual fruit grew, and my warrior Spirit became more visible. I started to walk with a new confidence that was refined by a God-led training. I began to learn more about my true identity and my purpose. Certain things can only be learned from God.
Peace was one of the biggest gifts I received whilst in my wilderness season. I faced many battles day in and day out, but I had an understanding that whatever happened was God’s plan. I knew that ultimately, everything that happened whether good or bad was for His Glory.
Sis, I can tell you that the blessings that God has for you is like nothing in this world. I can truly say that I’ve been way more emotional than I’ve ever been in my life as I’ve grown spiritually. I know it’s because of the beauty of the pruning process. I’ve found a new love that I wouldn’t trade for the world. This love is a strength that God gives.
I tell you, that if you learn to live a true life of repentance and allowed God to shower you with the blessings within His storehouse, you would be in complete bliss. The world we live in compared to the abundant life that God wants to give you, is incomparable (John 10:10). God wants to make all things new for you, my friend (2 Corinthians 5:17). Surrender your old life and receive beauty for your ashes (Isaiah 61:3). Peter 4:12 says “Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you.” Life will completely change when you choose to fully surrender to God, but it’s worth it. This world is quickly passing away. Make sure that you have something in the end that is worth it all: salvation through Jesus Christ.