Hello Friend,

This message is both for you and me. Are you ready to hear a word from God? Quiet your mind, open your heart, focus on the message, and let it resonate in your heart.

“My Daughter, listen to Me and hear Me with an open heart. I have called you to a season of REST. Your body and your mind is tired. I don’t want you to continue to push your body beyond its limits. That’s why I commanded you to rest. Man would have you to slave over work without end, which weakens your body. You are more susceptible to demonic attacks when your body is weak. The enemy has a plan for you when you refuse to rest. I cannot be made full in your life when you go against My Commandments. The time is coming when man will try to change My Commandments, so I want you to hold them in your heart so that the enemy cannot tempt you. You are powerful when you obey Me. I have not called you to mark all of your days with work, man has. I the Lord your God have called you to honor the Sabbath and rest. The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. Learn My Principles as it pertains to rest. Be patient in Me, and in turn you will experience a peace that will exceed your understanding. Close your eyes and listen. Do you hear me? I am here in your stillness, I am here. I can be heard most when you drop the weight of the world and focus on Me. Abide in Me and I will abide in you.”

Friend, rest has never been something I honored. The act of taking a whole day to rest was foreign to me. Most of my life, I’ve been trained to be “productive”. Society gives us teachings such as, “you’re not successful if you don’t work”, “get ahead of everyone else by working while everyone else is asleep”, the list goes on. Sometimes, I even feel guilty if I take a nap or sat down for longer than 10 minutes. The guilt to rest is ever-present. Especially as a woman. We were programmed to be the helper, right? Day in and day out we push our bodies to keep going, keep cooking, keep cleaning, keep working, keep doing, doing, doing. 

When I was going through my wilderness season, God spoke to me much like how He is speaking in this message. He told me that He didn’t call me to find success in my busyness. He told me that what the world calls productive and success is foolish to Him. He told me to rest. I asked questions like, what does rest look like for me? What was I actually supposed to do? His response was consistent: “seek” Him. He told me to pray, read, listen to Him, meditate on Him and the heavenly places, sit in nature, journal and write, sleep, and disconnect. What my rest looks like may not be the same for you. I advise when it comes to rest, ask God what He wants you to do. So often when people tell you to ask God for yourself, people tend to brush the actual act under the rug. Let’s face it, sometimes the answers don’t come quickly with God. Sometimes it’s just simply tough to hear and understand what He is telling you, right? I really encourage you to ask Him anyway. If His responses are delayed, continue to press in and seek Him. Seek Him expectantly and He will make Himself heard unto you. You don’t have to search too far. So often we look to prophets and seers to tell us what God wants us to hear and know. Sometimes, that’s fine and dandy but what about your relationship with God? What is He specifically saying to YOU? How do you think prophets and seers got their spiritual gifts? Many of them asked for them. Many of them caught God in the secret place. In the end, God makes Himself known to those who diligently sought him.

Breathe sis. The weight of the world is not yours to bear. Let it go. Release it. God needs you to rest in order for you to be fruitful in the season He has placed you in. He wants to use you, but you won’t be at your fullest potential if you don’t learn to rest. 

The Sabbath has become my favorite day of the week. I yearn to seek God’s face all day and to rest without guilt. I love resting my spirit and body. I appreciate my life way more because of the Sabbath. My life has changed because of it. I encourage you to accept God’s command to do the same. You’ll be better because of it.