Hello friend,
God is calling me to start this letter with a word from Him. You ready? Take a deep breath in to inhale, now exhale.
“My Daughter, I want you to tell my people to fast. I want to send a healing to the Body of Christ. Only those who have been seeking me with their whole heart will receive this healing. Tell My People to pray for healing that comes directly from Me. I also want them to watch the things they eat. Not everything is good, and not everything is meant to be consumed by those who trust in Me. I have called them out and set them apart from the world. I don’t want them to partake in what the world offers. I want them to seek Heavenly gifts that come from Me. I have an abundance that I want to share with the Body of Christ, but they must first be ready. Prepare them My Child, there is much work to be done.”
Hearing a rhema word strengthens our faith and gives us clear direction in which way to go. So let’s break down God’s charge to us.”
“My Daughter, I want you to tell My People to fast. I want to send a healing to the Body of Christ.”
God is calling us to seasons of fasting. Notice I said “seasons”. Fasting is an ongoing charge and many times, you will be called to fast again. God calls us to fast for our own good. Here are some benefits I’ve personally experienced through fasting:
• Healing within my body.
Fasting has healing principals within itself. It is like a reset button for your body. Fasting improves the functionality of your body as a whole. I am not a doctor but here’s a source that can give you detailed information on the benefits of fasting.
• Clearer discernment of the voice of God.
Before I started fasting, I wasn’t able to discern the Voice of God. I read the book “Discerning the Voice of God” by Priscilla Shrier, and learned listening prayer. I learned to properly fast, got more intentional with my prayer life, remained patient, and finally I started to hear the voice of God. Without fasting, I was leaning too heavily on my own understanding. Without fasting, I was too selfish to hear God’s Voice. I wasn’t denying myself. God CHOOSES when He is ready to be heard and it’s only when He sees that you are ready to receive His word. If you have a hardened heart or are too caught up in your own fleshly desires, it’s going to be pretty hard to hear from Him. Sometimes you’re blocked from hearing from Him because you have to be in the right POSTURE. Fasting helps with that. Humbling yourself and being obedient to the small steps that God is requiring of you will take you deeper.
• Fasting taught me how to deny my flesh and lean on my faith.
When you are not eating, it is easy to only think about food and the drinks you want. When you take food out of the picture, you’re left frustrated, confused, and depleted. Though you’re hopeful and leaning on faith, it’s not easy. “But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ” (Matthew 4:4 NLT)
When we learn to feed ourselves with the word of God we actively choose to follow God with our whole hearts. Something powerful takes place when we make the choice time and time again to show God our faith and to allow Him to work miracles through us.
• Fasting intensified my prayer life.
Once I started fasting, I started hearing back from God audibly. Of course after that, my faith increased dramatically. I wanted more. I wanted to know the heart of God and to understand His plan for my life. As a natural added gift of my faith, my prayers began to shift. If you had asked me prior to my awakening, I would have told you that I’ve never been a strong prayer warrior. But as a result of actively seeing results of my fasting and prayer, I began to shift my prayers from the mindset of “prayer is just something I’m supposed to do as a Christian” to “I know and believe this is going to happen because of my persistence in prayer. I know God works, I’ve seen it.”
God said, “Only those who have been seeking me with their whole hearts will receive this healing.”
Why does God specify your WHOLE heart? Because He doesn’t want you to be lukewarm or double minded. Revelation 3:16 NLT says, “But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!” There are over 39 verses that specifically speak on wholehearted living. God wants you to make a choice. Do you choose Him or not? I once heard a story that explained it perfectly. The story goes: the grim reaper approached 3 men whose life clock had ran out, and told them that they had to make a choice between going to heaven or hell. The first man chose heaven and is taken to heaven. The second man chose hell and is taken to hell. The third man slyly chuckled to himself and purposefully does not make a choice. He thinks to himself that he has surely outwitted the grim reaper. Shortly after his non-decision, he finds himself in hell. He looks at the grim reaper surprised and confused. He begins to argue with the grim reaper. He protests that he shouldn’t have to go to either Heaven or hell because he didn’t choose either one. The grim reaper explains to him that when you don’t choose God, hell is the only alternative, there is no in between. Friend, if you don’t choose God, you are choosing Satan by default. So make your choice and be sure about it.
God said, “Tell my people to pray for healing that comes directly from me.”
Sometimes we don’t receive because we don’t ask. James 4:2 NLT tells us “You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it.” Sometimes, in order to receive our desires, we must first petition God for it.
God said, “I also want them to watch the things they eat. Not everything is good, and not everything is meant to be consumed by those who trust in Me.”
God has been speaking heavily with me on this lately and He desires us to have more self control when it comes to the things we crave and eat. A lot of the foods (mostly in America) have so many additives that they are no longer healthy for us to consume. Contrary to popular belief, this is setup by design. Though many products state the ingredient additives are merely for food preservation, there are sometimes more sinister plans at play. There are systems set up to harm our bodies and keep us habitually in need of the health care system, hormonally imbalanced, obese, addicted, and sick. But God wants us to eat more pure and natural foods that He originally gave us. I encourage you to look into the teachings of Dr. Sebi to learn more on God’s original promptings through food. I’m not saying to switch your diet completely, but it would definitely behoove you to learn to be guided more closely to God’s intention. I encourage you to read the whole chapter of Romans 14 and seek God in what He is specifically calling you to do.
God said, “I don’t want them to partake in what the world offers. I want them to seek Heavenly gifts that come from Me. I have an abundance that I want to share with the Body of Christ, but they must first be ready.”
God is separating the wheat from the tares and a shift is going on in the world as we speak. He is separating us from worldly thoughts, worldly beliefs, and worldly living. What the world offers is temporary and weak compared to what God wants to give us. Worldly pleasures are finite and reveal the course of our hearts. Revelation 3:15-18 NLT says, “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. So I advise you to buy gold from Me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see.”
I encourage you to make your decision today to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If you do not know Him, just say these simple words: “Jesus, I accept you into my heart as my Lord and Savior. I repent of my sins, and ask if You would forgive me. I believe that You died on the cross to save me. I surrender my life to You, Jesus. Use me as You see fit. Amen.”