Hello daughter of the King. How are you? I pray you are well. If you are suffering any type of loss, I have a very specific message for you. It may be a loved one, a job, a big portion of your finances, a car, a boyfriend (or husband), etc. Whichever situation you have found yourself in, God has a message that He wants you to hear. Are you ready? Take a deep breath in to inhale, deep breath out to exhale.
He says, “My daughter, I have seen your loss. I have seen your suffering. I don’t want you to retreat from Me. I am still here and I always have been. Don’t look at this as a punishment, or grounds for you to forsake me. I will give you beauty for ashes. If you just ask, you will prevail. I will go before you and multiply what you have lost. I the Lord have spoken.”
Man….. this was a short but powerful message. He said, “just ask!” Did you know that oftentimes we don’t find relief in many of the losses we suffer because we simply don’t ask? Think of Hannah, who was barren and was being bullied because she couldn’t have any children. She didn’t receive children because she had her mouth SHUT. As soon as she opened her mouth what happened?….. I’ll wait……He blessed her with what she asked for. SHE asked. Not her mom, not her pastor, but SHE ASKED. How many times have you suffered a loss, and then you continued to move as if you had no strength to stand back up? Sis, you have authority to ask your Abba Father for help.
I want you to know, that YOU have the victory. Not the enemy, YOU. The power is in your tongue (Proverbs 18:21) and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven (Matthew 16:19). So speak sis, SPEAK!!! There are many times when I’m internally praying to God in my secret place, and He will tell me, “No, speak it out!” The enemy has no power and authority over you, your emotions, nor your actions. God has given us all power and authority (Hebrews 2:8). The acts that God wants to do in your life is to build you up, and not tear you down.
I know it has been rough! I have just buried one of the most important people in my life, my grandmother Lillie (of Lillie Street). For so long, I grieved my grandmother in advance because I knew that the day she would pass would come. So many times in my life I recall myself getting emotional just thinking about the day and how awful I would feel inside when that day came. I knew I would take it rough. I knew that it would be heavy for me to bear. When certain people or things hold weight in your life and you cherish them with your whole being, it feels impossible to let them go. God said not to put anything or anyone before Him (Luke 14:25-27). As cliche as it sounds, you’ve got to let go and let God. There is purpose even in your loss. Surrender it to God. Just know that in this lifestyle, should you choose to walk this Christian walk, there will be MANY struggles (John 16:33), but it is all worth it in the end. Life is similar to a course. It teaches you lessons, it shows you consequence of each choice you make. Whatever path you land on is the result of a choice you’ve made. Each choice we make recalibrates the path that ensues. Our lives have already been outlined but we still have free will. We still have the power to choose.
God is imploring you to surrender, Sis. He doesn’t want you stuck in this hole of despair. He has more for you. A GREAT abundance at that. This message is only to encourage you to pick your head up and keep pushing. You are stronger than you think. The fact that you are still here is a testament to God’s desire for your partnership. What do you choose? pity, or purpose?