Hello Queen,

Spiritual awakening is a broad but important topic that God is now sending as a warning. He wants the church (the body of Christ) to awaken spiritually. For so long we’ve been oppressed and wrongfully indoctrinated. He is calling for the church to awaken to the truth and stand against the lie. There is a spiritual warfare going on right now, and this is no time to be spiritually dead! Listen to this message from God as we dive into today’s topic.

“Children, the enemy is running rampant in the world. Steward well over what I’ve given you. If I’ve given you the gift to teach, teach well. If I’ve given you the gift to prophesy, prophesy well. If I’ve called you to lead, then lead well. As I told Peter, ‘feed my sheep’, so I also say to you. The enemy knows that when My People join together and lead as they are called, He has no power. You are all stronger together. I want my people to stand up and fight. Now is the time. The veil is being removed. I am sending many prophets in My Name to preach My Message. Children of the Kingdom, DO NOT stifle or grieve the Holy Spirit. I can just as easily take Him away. Honor Me with your lives, so that you may be saved in the day of My Son’s return. For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, forever and ever, amen.”

Let me first say that this is the first time in this series that God has addressed the receiver as ‘Children’ instead of ‘Daughters’. This tells me that this specific message is for whomever will receive it regardless of your gender. God does not want this message filtered or misunderstood. I feel the Holy Spirit flowing through me so I’m just going to type as I’m lead. 

There are so many silenced voices around the world dead and alive, that have been silent. We have become so numb to what truly matters: our very souls. We have chosen to embody the views and customs of the world. We rarely stop and think twice about who God has called us to be. Many of us have not discovered our true identities and authority in Christ. Some of us would rather settle into the comfort of the glamour of who we THINK we are. We don’t know that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:19). We have great authority here on earth, and we don’t even act like it!!! You have no idea how powerful you are RIGHT NOW. You don’t have to wait to walk in your authority. There is knowledge that the enemy is trying to hide from us. He is working overtime to stop our destinies before we wake up to the truth. He want to keep us far away from repentance and our true identities. He knows that he has a SHORT while. The sooner you realize that there is more going on behind the scenes than before your eyes, the better. 

In the Spirit right now, I see God flashing big red words in lights saying “WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP”!!!! Why do you think God consistently emphasizes commands such as “be vigilant”, “wake up oh ye sleepers”, “awaken”? In our lifetimes, we become numb. For so long we have been fed lies and deception from the enemy. The enemy has been operating the same way for centuries, and we still fall prey to the same tactics. He starts small and slowly eases us into a bigger trap. Take a moment and recall past moments when thoughts in your mind enticed to do things that you knew weren’t right. Deception is cunning and sly. It usually seems like the right thing to do. It’s made to seem like it’s worth it, when in the end, we are left feeling awful about our lack of discernment and full of conviction.

I implore you to take a deeper look into your need for Jesus’s help. If you are in a backslidden state, and you want to be free from the shackles and bondage that the devil has kept you in, NOW is the time. If you feel exhausted from trying to get ahead in a world that couldn’t care less about what you do or don’t do, NOW is the time. If your plans have consistently failed, and you have no strength to try again, NOW is the time. If you simply have no idea who God is and you want to see what’s on the other side of a new life with Him, NOW is the time. Say these words out loud, “Lord, I know I haven’t lived up to Your call on my life. I repent. I ask that you will forgive me of my sins, I’m sorry. Please change me and mold me into who You’ve called me to be. I’m ready. Will you give me salvation that comes only from You? I accept Jesus into my heart and believe that he came and died on the cross for my sins to set me free. Now I want to live free for You. Use me Lord. I surrender my will to you. Amen”

Now my friend, the fun part begins. I’ll see you on the other side. God bless you oh courageous one! Get ready for a beautiful ABUNDANT life.