I never understood why I got so bored with things so quickly. I lose interest so fast in things after doing them for a while. For different reasons really. For instance, I lose interest in social media so quickly because I see it lacks substance, no one is really talking about anything worth sticking around for. People are literally posting for likes, and I get turned off quickly from it. I have literally been staying away from social media for a week and it is very freeing. I honestly don’t wish to return to it, just like how I rarely get on Facebook, because people were literally wasting my brain cells and no one was talking about anything worthwhile. And now, I’m honestly sick of it and the more I am immersed in virtual reality, the farther away from my own reality I am, and I don’t like that. The fact that my mindset has changed from being excited about going on a trip to have a good time to going on a trip to get content is beyond me…..literally, that’s not the Lisa I know. So it’s time to refocus. It’s time to re-align. Re-align with myself and the Divine. God literally had to sit me down so that I could get some headspace, get some rest, see, and think more clearly. The more and more I become distant from myself, the more important it is to re-center myself. I have come a long way in life and the world is not worth me sacrificing God’s purpose for. So if that means dropping literally EVERYTHING I’m doing just to be in his presence and hear from Him more clearly, so be it. That’s where I’m at, and that’s where I’ll be until further notice.

I’m okay with pauses. I am so okay with them. They give me a chance to breathe, to think, to feel, to live, to learn, to grow, to seek, and to find. I constantly have to remind myself to be present and go inward, and so many times I sacrifice that for the world and push the moment to the side. Nothing in me can grow if I continue to do that. 

This is not all about social media, that was just an example. This is about being okay with THE WAIT. This is about not having control over every single thing. It’s about trusting God with my next steps in whatever direction he decides. I have so many aspirations and plans for my life that I would love to tackle full force. But right now in this season, God is telling me to WAIT. Don’t rush his process, listen to Him, learn from Him and not the world.

We do so much wrong when our priorities are more focused on the world and everything around us that’s going on when in actuality none of that matters in the grand scheme of things. Not if we are aimlessly shooting at targets that are constantly in motion. Right now God is saying to BE STILL. And in our stillness we must seek His will, keep the faith, and be patient on his direction. I pray that in this moment, you will find peace in the fact that it is okay to slow down. It is okay to be okay. You don’t have to be perfect and have it all in order. Just trust God, He will direct your path.