If you’re like me, you may have a new venture you want to take on….. but yet you’ve never done it, you don’t know where to start, and you may even feel like it won’t work because you’re so inexperienced. This post will hopefully eliminate those excuses and push you forward to the tasks you desire to conquer.


Even though you may not be an expert on the task at hand, we live in a world of free knowledge. Use your research and get educated on what you feel unqualified for. I’m sure there are tons of videos on YouTube that would give you a plethora of knowledge on the topic you seek. Use your resources. Take a trip to the library or Books-a-Million, search the web, the list goes on. Doing your research will help you to familiarize yourself with the task, and will give you a sense of comfort. We typically shy away from new ventures because we don’t know much about what to expect and we feel vulnerable. If you at least familiarize yourself, you will build your confidence factor and feel more at ease about going for it.


Get yourself an accountability partner or group. When we let someone else know what we are going to do, it is in our nature to want to complete those tasks just because someone else knows we are supposed to be doing it. When you don’t have an accountability partner or group, it is easier to put it off and just not do it at all (because whose gonna force you to?) What good would that be? Get yourself a plan of action for accountability, and move onto the next step.


For some reason, writing things down and visually seeing it helps us in the manifestation journey. Even if we don’t do it right then, the fact that we’ve written it down and seen it with our own eyes will be a reminder enough that it NEEDS to be done. Personally, when I write something down, it is a task that now needs to be completed. Even if it takes me months to complete it, it becomes daunting enough that I’m going to complete it no matter how long it takes. This is a tactic that I learned from the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill (I strongly urge you to read this book it is a complete game changer. It will give you more insight on why this tactic works).


After you’ve completed the prior tasks, there’s nothing left to do but to go for it my friend! You’ve done the research, you’ve gotten your accountability plan, and you’ve written it down. The only thing standing in the way now is you. I encourage you to know that the experts of the field you seek were once where you are as well. But they had to start somewhere. Key words THEY HAD TO START. The more and more you do something the more you become accustomed to and the less fear you will hold in your heart. Challenge yourself to eliminate any fears you have now attached to your new venture. You can only do that by facing it head on my love.

I’ll be frank with you, I’m in a transitional period in my life where I’m forcing myself to level up because most things at the level I’m currently at bore me. It’s not enough. I want more. I realize that new levels require new skills. With that, I am catapulting myself into new things that are very uncomfortable to me, ESPECIALLY being an introvert! Lately, I’ve been doing these same tasks and when I finally get to the point of “going for it”, I will tell myself, “just do it, Lisa”, then I’ll close my eyes, take a deep breath, and go for it. Personally, what makes me most uncomfortable is being vulnerable by the world. I don’t know why we do this but we fear making mistakes publicly. Even if we do make a mistake, it is still lessons that can be learned from them. We should start taking more pride in the lessons we learn instead of focusing on the mistakes we could make. If you feel judged by someone else for making a mistake, just know their time is coming to make a mistake of their own. No one is exempt from mistakes. Eliminate that excuse and have some confidence going into your new journey. Flowers still grow when they’ve been stepped on, so will you. #YouGotThis