Many of you may not know but I originally started @LillieStreet in 2013 doing repurposed denim. I would bleach and distress them and even add a little razzle dazzle to them sometimes. I personally just love to have unique things and hated looking like everyone else! So I started making my own repurposed denim. It started to create a buzz so I capitalized and started charging people to do some for them. Just check out my old page @LillieStreetCustoms on Instagram for yourself. After while, the bleaching and tediousness started to get to me physically so I tapered off on it.

A year later, while I was still doing the repurposed denim, I became a thrift store stylist for a handful of clients (for dirt cheap because I was doing what I loved anyways and I had to start from the bottom). I began to incorporate both of them together and started styling my own shoots, picking my own models, choosing their makeup, accessorizing styles, learning and doing my own photography, scouting locations, I even became a stylist for a fashion designer and became the stylist for a few fashion shows! This alone molded me into doing what I do now at a higher level. I’m not at all where I want to be ultimately but I’m in the process of getting there!! It’s interesting working behind the scenes doing what you love because it gives you a different perspective of what you could be doing better.

I’m a very private person and throughout my life I’ve kept most of my life under wraps. I realize now that though it’s good to keep some things private, I was actually hindering those around me that may have wanted to do the same things I was doing but just didn’t have enough will power or encouragement as I gave myself! That was wrong of me. I want to live my life poured out and give back to those around me and teach the lessons I’ve learned. Ultimately I want to live in humility and be humble to the father that created me. He created me to SERVE and I’ve been doing that to a certain extent but I know deeply that there’s another level. Another level that’s required of me in order to elevate.

Knowing your “why” is so important. If you don’t solidify that in the beginning, any of your dreams and aspirations will fall and die young.

As I look back on where I’ve started to where I am now, it’s humbling and eye opening. Sometimes the road gets rough and I feel like quitting and just blending in with the rest of the world and just accepting life as it’s handed to me and not exerting anymore effort or stress than I have to. This business is ruthless and sometimes I ask myself why would I even start this when I feel like I’m too helpless to finish. Sometimes there’s more days that I feel like shutting down completely and never looking back because of the stress that’s involved. One thing that I’ve realized is that a lot of the stress is my own fault. I have so many resources and help around me that I can use. I’m just not using it properly because I may have the wrong perspective and focus and life just hits you fast. I have so many excuses of why I haven’t elevated to where I want to be but ultimately I am my own hindrance. I close my own door. I cancel my own blessings. Me! I realize I can either make excuses on why I shouldn’t, or I can realize the excuses and figure out solutions to them.

Today, #LillieStreet is growing into its own brand and I’m getting more and more hunger from those around me than I ever knew. People have actually started to refer to me as Ms. Lillie Street 🤗. I chuckle as I write that because my “why” was more along the lines of the legacy I wanted for my family. Generational wealth, black empowerment, and of course I just wanted to be able to have my own business where I was passionate about what I did, and never felt like I was working. I wanted to live and enjoy what I did and be able to share that excitement with those around me that I loved. Family has always been my biggest driving force. Lillie is literally my grandmother on my moms side that is one of my role models and most influential. I fashion my life after a lot of her principles and take heed to what she stands for. I started doing street wear so that’s where the name “Lillie Street” came from.

As I struggle through each obstacle I just want to encourage any of you who are wanting to start your own business or even if you already have one. Tomorrow is not promised and times are getting real questionable out here. Start now! Enjoy now! Be passionate NOW! Break cycles now! We were made to create! We all may not get to start doing exactly what we want to do, but that’s not the end of it as long as you keep going. I hope this encourages and empowers you to start your own journey. Reach out to me if you need an extra push. If no one else believes in the power of making your dreams reality I DO!!!