I am currently having a hard time in my personal life. Sometimes life just hurts and you have to figure out how to cope with it. What do you do when you’re at an all-time low and you can’t seem to pick yourself up? What do you do when you want to just curl into a ball and not face the stresses that haunt you? What do you do when you don’t want to hear anything that anyone has to say and nothing will eases your hurt? How do you press on?……


It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to scream, it’s okay to allow a release of the pinned up anger and fear you hold inside. Sometimes we begin to spiral out of control because we didn’t take the time to LET IT OUT. This issue very important part of your healing process because the way you feel is bigger than you. Contemplate how you are affecting others around you by the hurt you are going through. You don’t want to take anything out on them so it’s important to let it out either with yourself, someone else, or with that person (if it can be done in a nonviolent way.) Whether that be talking it out, going to the gym and punching a punching bag, crying, whatever you choose as your release that will not cause you or anyone else harm, go for it!


It’s important that you are gentle with yourself and allow yourself to just, be. Don’t try to force yourself to get back into the speeding rush of life when you just might not be ready. It’s okay my brother and sister. It’s okay to not be okay. Don’t let anyone rush you into being “okay” when you just aren’t. Take a moment to quiet your mind. Take a moment to breathe and focus on not focusing. Your mind may wander and that’s okay. Meditation is a learned skill. But it is proven to make you feel better and be more receptive of self. It gives you a chance to be more in tune with yourself and your mind and your entire being. Try to focus on slowly breathing in and out. Repeat this process for at least ten minutes focusing on nothing else but the breath. Notice how your diagram expands and retracts. Bring attention to every limb of your body. As you think of each limb, think: “this limb is healing and well”. Finally finish with the mind. Tell your mind that it is healing and well. Feel your body fill with the light that God has placed in you. Take a moment to just, be.


Over the timespan of your healing process, it is important to listen to yourself, self reflection. What helps me is, I quiet my mind and ask myself questions like, “why am I sad right now? What types of things are hindering my relationships? What is giving me the most hurt right now? What was the cause of this hurt? What is the root of why it affected me? Is there something in the past that has triggered me to feel this way? Have I addressed the reasons why I react this way when someone takes a certain action?” Give yourself a chance to go deeper into why you are in the state of mind you are in. It is a more effective way to steer yourself into enlightenment and give yourself the power over your mind that you didn’t know you had. Repeat this process as much as you’d like until you get to your “aha” moment. Then, you are on the right track of healing my friend!