I think it’s important to know where I started this year to understand where I am today. I am definitely in a different headspace than I was in. With all of the attention and connections I was getting, it all didn’t mean that much to me. Sure, I was honored and humbled but it wasn’t fickle to me. It didn’t really bring me clarity in my path. In fact, it made it even cloudier. At first I had my whole game plan together and what I was striving for and once I started to level up and get more traction, the less important all of it seemed to me. I literally felt like turning down a paid gig at one point (until I set some ground rules to make sure I didn’t lose my integrity or tarnish my image….but that’s beside the point). Ultimately, I felt in my spirit that God wanted me to do something different. Something bigger than me, something not about me, something more humbling, something not…..worldly. No longer did I want to chase things that would bring me fame and recognition. At the end of the day I realize that it’s not about me! And I also don’t want to be the person that is living to please others, because that’s what I felt like I was doing. I felt like I was a puppet in a never ending show with an unobtainable plot. I never want to feel like that. I’m sorry world, this is no longer for you. I will live to please my Abba Father, God. So, currently I am distancing myself from the world and trying my best to reconnect to myself and God. It has brought me so much peace and pleasure. I’m sure if you follow me on social media you have noticed the change of me going from multiple posts a day, to one post a day, to where’s Lisa?! Lol, sorry not sorry. I’m booked and busy. Lately, I have been catching way up on my “me time”. I have been reading (which I never could keep up consistently), journaling (I’m trying to use my blog as my journal these days…. Lucky you!!), yoga (debating a video series), minimizing my to do list, engaging and interacting with my family and friends more, and meditating. You have no idea how much more I am at peace with myself and God. I am still a work in progress but it is definitely a step in the right direction. I think it is so important to know what your priorities are so that you don’t lose sight of where you are going and what you are striving for. Where is your journey taking you these days?