We all deal with anger throughout our lives. There’s no getting around it. Whether it’s an emotion that subsides within a few minutes, or a few months, it needs to be addressed. One thing that really gets under my skin is when I feel played, or in other words, when I feel like someone is purposefully taking advantage of me. For me, it’s all about the person’s intent. If you intended to cause harm to me, that’s not okay. Depending on the extent of what the issue was, I may or may not cut that person off completely. I just don’t want someone having access to me that does not have my best interest at heart. So is this wrong of me? Maybe, maybe not. I do know that anger is not a fruit of the spirit and is not something that we should get too comfortable with. So how do we deal with anger?

…..In my experience, one of the the best remedies is prayer for the person or situation that has caused you to become angry. Praying for them allows your heart to start to feel compassion for that person or situation. I know this doesn’t sound appealing especially in the heat of the moment, but trust me it works. Another thing that prayer does is it allows you to see the situation from a different perspective. Typically when you are angry, you only know or feel that you were wronged and the other party was the cause. You are typically pretty tunnel visioned and…. Angry!! In the heat of the moment you typically don’t have a chance to see the other person’s side, because your mind reacts so quickly. Not only is that not fair to the other person, it’s not fair to you, nor will it get much solved. Allow prayer to give you insight of other possible motives. Allow God to give you clarity. Give the other person a chance to explain. Who knows, it may make the relationship stronger than ever. Count to ten, my friend. Whatever it is, you are victorious IF you include God.